rock icon


Rock music is all about emotion, rebellion, and raw sound, and it has has influenced generations to come and has inspired many artists that we know and love today.

metal icon


With heavy guitar riffs and powerful vocals, metal is a genre that pushes musical intensity to the extreme and will make you want to rock your head back and forth.


Pop music is full of infectious melodies to bring to the world. If you're expanding your collection of new vinyl records or seeking rare vinyl records from past decades, then Pop is for you.


A genre built on storytelling. You can buy vinyl records online or find places to trade vinyl records with others who share your love for the sound and deep emotion.


A genre which often reflects personal struggles, social issues, and cultural movements. Rap Hip-hop has evolved from street poetry to a global phenomenon.


R&B blends smooth melodies with expressive vocals to bring together a sound that's as timeless as can be.


Indie is a genre that is all about artistic expression. If you're searching for authentic vinyl records from underground or rising indie stars, check out our vinyl record store near you.


With Jazz, you are bound to appreciate our selection, which includes rare vinyl records and blues classics that every collector will appreciate.

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These are some of Chord Central Windsor's most popular genres of vinyl records that customers browse through at our store. Feel free to explore what we have to offer!

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